Good Morning Everyone!
I didn't realize just how bad my cabin fever was until I was able to get outside this past weekend. Although still a bit brisk, it was so beautiful hiking the trails at Hard'ack, Josie was just beside herself. The fact that 20 degrees feels balmy to us goes to show you how resilient we are. VT Gas was quick to note on their billing that if your bill was high it was because it was "COOOLD" 13 degrees below average for the entire month of February, I for one am very happy that March is here.
This past Saturday the KAL gals were in full force working on their squares, not one of my squares would be complete without having to start it over again and again. The fact that I managed to yank the cord out of my needle while angrily pulling my stitches off the needle was a good lesson learned. I could hear my grandmother saying, "patience is a virtue" needless to say I haven't worked on it since, instead I made it all the way through the chart of my TOGO skirt! Finally started decreasing on 292 stitches last night, what a feeling, I'm just cruising along now without the hassle of reading a chart and every row being different enough to keep my level of concentration up there. Stop by if you'd like to see just how beautiful this yarn knits up.
It was Christmas at the shop on Friday again, Berroco sent me a huge box full of Modern Cotton, Folio and Flicker. Alisha knit up an adorable hat from the new Fiora pattern booklet, the perfect weight as we transition into SPRING!!! Speaking of Alisha, she's teaching a class this Saturday March 7 1-3:00 showing you the many ways to cast on and bind off and why one works better than the other for certain projects. Kathy will also be returning to teach a needle felting landscape class March 7 from 10-1, spaces are limited for classes so let me know if you'd like to join in the fun.
The Spinning group will be meeting this Thursday March 5 from 3:30-5:00 all levels are welcome, and feel free to stop by.
Don't forget to come out and vote today and don't forget to spring ahead this Saturday night as we get closer to SPRING each day!! We will be meeting tomorrow evening from 6:30-8:00 stitching away on our fabulous projects, it's supposed to get up to 45 degrees! Make it a great day and I hope to see you soon!